Reducing the time to create YouTube videos to just minutes. That's handy.

Create stream recap videos by issuing commands in your chat room after something interesting, funny or exciting happens. 

The resulting videos are edited by a machine and uploaded directly to your YouTube channel minutes after your stream ends.

If you have an editor you're already working with, save them the time of having to be in your stream for the entire duration or watch the whole video back to generate clips for your YouTube strategy.
You make content,
Make Echoes Logo

Specifically made for Twitch streamers. 
And getting started is easy.


Connect Your Twitch & YouTube Accounts
This process takes 3 minutes at most. If you're already logged in to your Twitch channel and the destination YouTube channel you want to post to, you'll likely be done in 90 seconds. These connections are made in the account set up process.


Stream Normally
Start your stream as you normally would. Our Twitch Chat Bot (@MakeEchoes) will be in your chat room to listen for requests for clips. Please note, that it normally takes 15-30 minutes after you complete account sign up for the bot to be persistently in your chat.)


Issue !echo Commands
You choose who in your room can send !echo commands but those who can can simply type them in the room immediately after something fun, interesting or comedic happens. If you want to catch an entire section of your stream, commands exist for that too.


End Your Stream
Whenever you're done streaming, Make Echoes will begin creating all the clips. Depending on how your account is set up, it will then export the resulting video and upload it to YouTube or cut out all the clips and leave them in your account to be used by an editor.
Generating the clips that you need to create YouTube videos shouldn't require 18-steps (yes, really) or an editor to watch through an entire stream to get just the moments that could make a compelling YouTube video.

What our users say

Spoiler...They freakin' love it!
Today marks 30 days since I have gotten @MakeEchoes and it has been completely worth it. I have had a 50% increase in views and a 262% watch time increase, and I am excited to keep going forward.
Snaux12 (@Snaux12)
OF COURSE. Everytime I feel it's a good content to keep, I CLIP!

Now with @MakeEchoes, I can mark my VODs LIVE and automatically put it on Youtube like professionals do. Go have a try! It's totally not a "Shameless-Promo". I have faith in this tool!
hypNewtic (@hyp_Newtic)
Day 2 of using @MakeEchoes and I couldn't be happier. It's a great way for my chat to have an active hand in creating content for my #youtube channel. I love it!
SheSnaps (@MindofSnaps)
I would not be on YouTube these days if @MakeEchoes didn't exist.

Also, time for another shoutout to @lookitsdan & @Camdelle_ for making it so much easier on me to take on new projects and tasks.

If y'all need help as content creators, hit them up.
Clintus (@Clintus)
Yeah my gaming channel pretty much died due to my inactivity. @MakeEchoes has made it super easy for me to at least get something out consistently with minimal effort.

Our pricing plans

We keep things simple here. Two distinct plans that reflect where you are in your content creation journey.

Basic Plan

AKA the "Just Do It For Me" solution. Make Echoes will create a recap video for every stream on your channel and upload it to your YouTube channel.


Unlimited Streams per month
Unlimited Clip Requests per stream
Control Who Can Add Clips
Add Custom Branding to Videos
Set Minimum Number of Clips to Trigger YT Upload
Try It Out For a 15-Day Trial

Pro Plan

For those creators who are working with video editors to create the most compelling content for their other social media outposts. Make Echoes saves your editors hours of time.


Everything in the Basic Plan
Download Stream Recaps Videos
Download Generated Stream Clips
Timecoded Clips
All rendered videos & clips delivered to your S3 bucket upon completion
Get Started With A 15-Day Trial
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